Monday, November 9, 2015

Under the Weather....

Hi Everyone!

Just wanted to pop in to say hello and let you know I am still dealing with this cold that my dear wonderful hubby shared with me last week. The coughing is the worst! 

I took this week off from Merry Monday since I was not much in the crafting mode but I hope soon to get back at it. Already on my 3rd bottle of Mucenex Severe Cough & Congestion so I hope something soon gets better.

In the meantime I will share a picture I took of Bailee watching out the window on a beautiful sunny Sunday morning....

She is deep in thought watching the leaves fall...

I hope to be back soon!


1 comment:

Cindy Linthicum said...

Hope you beat the cold soon. I had mine for 3 weeks and am finally feeling human again and not sounding like a frog. Take care of yourself!