Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Flowering Zinnia Set

 Hello & Happy Wednesday!

Hope you all had a nice Memorial Day weekend?!

I took a bit of a break after I was done sharing all of Audrey's last card order. My hands were hurting so I knew I needed some downtime. Yesterday I went back to working on more cards for her. She just loves this Flowering Zinnia paper and always wants more! I just ordered a 2nd pack of it! LOL This is the pack I made for her next order...

Card Details:

Stamps: Labeled with Love
Ink: Melon Mambo
Cardstock: Melon Mambo, Basic White, Lemon Lime Twist, Flowering Zinnia DSP (Online Exclusives)
Accessories: Nested Essentials Dies, Adhesive Backed Shiny Sequins (Online Exclusives), Lemon Lime Twist Ribbon (retired), Glue Dots, Dimensionals, Tombow Multipurpose Liquid Glue

I'm getting down to the nitty gritty on my 1st pack of this paper.
The 2nd pack should arrive next week.

Today's plan is more stamping!
I am excited to use some of my newer sets that I have not touched yet.
Let's hope my hands don't give out on me!

My thoughts today...

I'll be locked away in the basement making cards! YAY!!

Thanks for stopping by & have a great day!


LeAnne said...

I love how you created the background on these cards, Wendy! So pretty, it's no wonder that Audrey loves these papers too!

Carol L said...

I can understand why Audrey loves these papers. The red background is richly beautiful with that floral design and perfectly compliments the floral panel. Take good care of those hands and enjoy your next card making session. It's supposed to rain later today so take time to rest! Enjoy your day - hugz

Vicki said...

Beautiful set!