Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Happy 90th Birthday

 Hello & Happy Wednesday, Everyone!

If your on the east coast I hope your staying warm & dry as we are in for another day of rain.
I feel like a broken record but we've had so much rain in the last month or so. The grass has been growing like crazy and Shawn tries to get out to mow as much as the weather allows. I know in about 2 months it will be the complete & dry! Sometimes ya just can win against Mother Nature.

Today I have yet another personalized birthday card for Audrey's friend, Janet, whom is turning 90. Let me tell you a sad story before I get to sharing the card. When Audrey called and ordered this card she went on to tell me that this lady's husband had just passed away in a farming accident about 2 weeks ago. I remembered reading the story online in a news article. My heart sank. How terrible. But because they are farming people she wanted something with veggies on. I went in search of some paper and found the perfect piece! This is what I made for her. 

Card Details:

Stamps: Memorable Moments (retired)
Ink: Blackberry Bliss
Cardstock: Blackberry Bliss, Very Vanilla, Farmer's Market DSP (retired)
Accessories: Lots of Labels Framelits (retired), Blackberry Bliss Ribbon (retired), Mossy Meadow Dots (retired , Glue Dots, Tombow Multipurpose Liquid Glue

Audrey was just SO happy with this card and called to say how much she appreciates all the work I put into her orders. She said that Janet will love this card! I do, too! I think it's the colors & print on the papers. I did have a dot of glue on my sentiment panel which the adhesive eraser took off after my pictures were taken. LOL I was rushing to get finished.

Since we are in for another rainy, dreary day I am planning the afternoon at my stamp table.
Audrey already asked for another pack of Zinnia cards! I'm happy to get them started! Atleast it will be sunny & bright in my stamp room once I pull that pack of paper out! LOL
Whatever you do on this rainy day, make it fun!

My thoughts today...

Thanks for stopping by & have a great day!


Vicki Burdick said...

Very pretty!

Carol L said...

That's a beautiful card for someone celebrating a milestone birthday but suffering the loss of her husband at the same time. Life can be so fabulous and sad at the same time for any of us at any given moment. Hopefully this pretty card will help lift her spirits.