Friday, May 17, 2024

Gone Fishing

 Hello & Happy Fri-YAY!!

Hope your day is off to a good start!

Today I have a cool man card to share that was also part of Audrey's card order.
I think she said this one was for her son. I used the Gone Fishing bundle because she said he loves to fish! That makes my job easier!

Card Details:

Stamps: Gone Fishing, Country Birdhouse (sentiment)
Ink: Misty Moonlight
Cardstock: Misty Moonlight, Very Vanilla, Let's Go Fishing DSP (retired)
Accessories: Gone Fishing Dies, Stitched Rectangle Framelits (retired), Misty Moonlight In Color Enamel Dots (retired), Dimensionals, Tombow Multipurpose Liquid Glue

I always enjoy making masculine cards if I know something specific of what the person enjoys. This one turned out nicely and as always, Audrey loved it!

This afternoon I have a dermatologist appointment for my rosacea. He gave me new meds back in January and wanted to do a recheck. Honestly, I don't think the medicine has done much for my symptoms so we shall see. Hope whatever you have planned today that it's something fun!

My thoughts today...

Thanks for stopping by & have a great day!


Carol L said...

This is a great card for any man who enjoys fishing. I like that patterned paper with all the fish as well as the blue panel that reminds me of water too, great masculine make. Good luck at the doc's today!

LeAnne said...

This is an awesome fishing card, using one of my favorite guy sets and DSP! He'll love it!

D'Ann said...

This week's cards are amazing! Love how you specialize them and your use of oldies but goodies. :)

Vicki said...

Great card!