Saturday, May 18, 2024

Happy Retirement

 Hello & Happy Saturday!

It's to be a rainy day here again so since it's Saturday and Shawn is headed out fishing I decided to get my decorations out for Memorial Day/July 4th and get that chore done. I'm waiting on the porches to get power washed before I can even think about getting my rocking chairs out and planting some flowers. Every weekend for the last I don't know maybe 12 weekends it has rained and so that chore is still waiting. And next weekend is Memorial Day so I feel like we are way behind. 

Today I am sharing a quick card that was on Audrey's card order list. She needed a retirement card for a man and was not very specific other than please use the chair on it. LOL So, this is what I made for her...

Card Details:

Stamps: Northwoods Rubber Stamps
Ink: Early Espresso
Cardstock: Early Espresso, Basic White, The Paper Studio (Hobby Lobby)
Accessories: Square Layering Framelits (retired), Seasonal Layers Thinlits (retired), Tombow Multipurpose Liquid Glue

Another one of those quick & easy cards! 
I kept wanting to add stuff to it but in the end I left it off. 
Speaking of Audrey, today is her last grandson's big day!
He's getting married today! I know she is so happy for him as she talks about him alot!
 He actually asked his girlfriend to marry him in Audrey's house!  Now how cool is that?!

My dermatology appointment went well yesterday!
Doctor is trying an antibiotic on my rosacea to see if it helps the breakouts. I had this before and it did help so I am hoping for good results. But as always, time will tell!

My thoughts today...

I am in major need of my coffee this morning as I did not sleep too well last night!
A nap might be in order today! LOL
Thanks for stopping by & have a really great day!


Carol L said...

This is a perfect retirement card. Simply stated, but just right with the wooden background and porch chair. That's what we enjoyed most about retirement- sitting on the front porch every morning enjoying our coffee and watching the time go by. I've also been waiting for power washing of my porch so I can get my chairs out. Maybe tomorrow. All of these cloudy, rainy days are getting depressing. Have a good weekend = Hugs

Vicki said...

Very cute!