Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Mediterranean Blooms

 Good Morning & Happy Hump Day!

I hope your week is going smoothly so far!
Today I have a pretty Thank You card to share that I made with a new suite of products called Mediterranean Blooms. I really think the lemons called out to me since it really did not grab my interest at first! LOL The Mediterranean Blooms DSP is just so pretty so I ended up getting the whole suite.

Card Details:

Stamps: My Small Business
Ink: Night of Navy
Cardstock: Daffodil Delight, Basic White, Mediterranean Blooms DSP
Accessories: Everyday Details Dies, Opal Rounds Assortment, Lemon Lolly Ribbon (retired), Glue Dots, Tombow Multipurpose Liquid Glue

I do love how this turned out and like I said, those papers are so pretty!


Last evening I had my doctor appointment. I was scheduled to have a pap and also to go over all the bloodwork that I had done on Saturday. I am having a bit of hairloss which my doctor suggested it possibly could be from my thyroid because bloodwork showed it was low compared to what it was back in January. I have been losing hair since the beginning of March but thankfully I have always had thick hair! Also the girl that cuts my hair has been keeping an eye on it and says that I do have new hair growth coming in so I should not worry too much. I also started Vital Proteins (it's a powder I put in my morning coffee) which puts more collagen peptides & protein in my system which will help with regrowth. All other bloodwork was excellent! My glucose numbers have greatly improved and my A1c went from 6.7 down to 5.2! I was shocked! I am now in diabetic remission and will continue with the 5mg of Mounjaro injection once a week for a few more months just until I get the thyroid under control. I thought for sure she was going to move me to the 7.5 mg but she said most likely next visit she will. She wanted to make sure my hair problem got better, too! To date I have lost 46 pounds! She asked if I felt better and I said absolutely YES! I am able to walk long distances without any pain which is a big deal. I recently got a stationary bike to ride at home when the weather isn't all that great to walk or bike ride. We do try to walk every evening with Bailee because that is the best type of exercise. And my eating has changed so much. I still cook all the same meals I use to before Mounjaro but now much smaller portions. 

When I first started this medicine I was very anxiety ridden because you hear all kinds of bad stories about people getting sick or gastric paralysis. This medicine is not for everyone which is sad because the health benefits are amazing! Many people say this medicine has changed their life and I agree! I do hope though down the road to go off of this and be able to maintain this way of eating and keep doing some sort of exercise. Time will tell but I will keep being hopeful because once a diabetic...always a diabetic.

My thoughts today...

Thanks for stopping by & have a great day ahead!

1 comment:

Carol L said...

Those papers are just beautiful and I love the lemons. I drink lemon juice every single morning, so I'm big on lemons. The blue panel is a great match for the sentiment too. WTG getting such good results with your blood sugar battles. My hair has been falling out since March also - and I've got a bald spot on top. I guess it's my new character trait LOL