Friday, June 21, 2024

Train Adventures

 Hello & Happy Fri-YAY!

Another hot one is on tap again today!
Make sure you stay extra hydrated if you have to be out in this stuff.
I'm going to be doing some laundry & making cards and hopefully staying cool!
The cards I am sharing today were part of Audrey's order.

She called me with a special request for her 2 great granddaughters, Malia & Evie.
Recently she was going thru some books and found a bunch of $2 bills that her husband had stashed away years ago. He's been gone for quite a few years now and only just found these. So, she wanted to gift them to the great granddaughters in a card that had a train on the front so the girls would know the money came from their great grandfather. Audrey's husband worked many years on the railroad so that was why she requested a train. 
Well, I stewed and stewed over this for about 2 weeks. Then I noticed a train set in the new Online Exclusives offering and you know the rest of the story! Yes, I had to order it!
So I tried my hardest to keep the cards as girly as I could by using black & a new In Color, Summer Splash. When I gave the cards to Audrey she was pleasantly surprised! You could just see the joy in her eyes! 

Card Details:

Stamps: Greatest Adventures (Online Exclusives)
Ink: Summer Splash
Cardstock: Basic Black, Basic White, Summer Splash DSP
Accessories: Countryside Corners Dies, Alphabet A La Mode Dies, Summer Splash Ribbon,
Black Enamel Dots (retired), Adhesive Sheets, Glue Dots, Tombow Multipurpose Liquid Glue

She said...."I knew you could make it happen"! LOL
I always try my hardest to please when it comes to making her cards. 
Just seeing the thrill & joy on her face made it all worth wild for me!!

My thoughts today...

Thanks for stopping by & enjoy your day!

1 comment:

Carol L said...

I really like this beautiful color with that great train image. Her name in those bold black letters looks just perfect with the 2 coordinating dots. What an amazing card!