Friday, December 25, 2020

Christmas Is Here!


It certainly has been a very odd year thanks to the coronavirus.
It will be so different from what it use to be.
Wearing masks, social distancing and the worst big gatherings for our Christmas holiday.
It's been a hard year mentally, physically & emotionally which I am still struggling with but i'm determined to enjoy the day with Shawn & the kids. 
The thoughts of my Dad are constantly on my mind as he is loved & very missed especially on this 1st Christmas without him. 

Merry Christmas, Everyone!

1 comment:

Carol L said...

I hear you on it being an odd year. I'm trying to be positive in a most difficult year, but my wish for you and everyone else is still the same. Make it merry, find peace and enjoy your loved ones while they're here, and have yourself a merry little Christmas. Hugz