Saturday, July 13, 2024

Golden Greenery Christmas

 Hello & Happy Saturday!

Hope your all staying cool! The heatwave continues! We had some sprinkles the last 2 days but nothing to really help the brown, crunchy grass. Shawn has been watering the garden every evening and the veggie plants are looking pretty good. The zucchini plants are producing like crazy and now it's time to get creative on what to make with them! 

Today I have a Christmas card to share made using the Golden Greenery suite from the Online Exclusives! I have been loving alot of the Online Exclusives offerings more so than what's in the annual catalog this year!

Card Details:

Stamps: Greetings of the Season (Online Exclusives)
Ink: Old Olive
Cardstock: Very Vanilla, Gold Foil Paper, Season of Green & Gold Specialty Paper (Online Exclusives), Graceful Greenery Vellum (Online Exclusives)
Accessories: Greetings of the Season Dies (Online Exclusives), Golden Greenery Dies (Online Exclusives), Gold Trim, Gold Sequins, Dimensionals, Stampin Seal Adhesive

I think this one is my favorite so far!
I'm not sure I will be ordering anything for Christmas when the new Holiday Mini Catalog comes out since I am loving this suite! 

The last week I have been working on a puzzle since I did not have any card orders and I wanted to give my hands a rest. I started the puzzle last Sunday and thought maybe all the pieces were not in the box since I bought the puzzle used at Goodwill. I quickly got frustrated with it and was going to just throw it away. Monday I did not touch it but Tuesday I made my way back to it and quickly realized I had pieces in places that they did not go. I was still frustrated with it and picked at it for the next 3 days. I was determined to finish it and prayed all the pieces were still there. Friday afternoon I completed it and felt a sigh of relief! LOL It is now packed up in a Ziplock bag and ready to be handed off to my friend Deb to do! She is the queen of Jigsaw Puzzles so she will probably fly thru putting it together!

That was the first puzzle I put together since last Christmas. I have 2 left in my rack downstairs to do. Maybe in about a month or so I will pull another one out. 
I will say as frustrated as I got with this one I was pleased with it once it was done.
Such a pretty scene and colors too!

My thoughts today...

Thanks for stopping by & stay cool!


LeAnne said...

Your card is GORGEOUS! I am loving the greens and gold! I am still on the fence about the Online sets, I want to see what comes out in the holiday catalog befoe making my decision!! Your puzzle is wonderful too. How frustrating to find out you had pieces in the wrong place. But you won out in the end!

Vicki said...

What a beauty 😍😍

Carol L said...

This card is just beautiful with the green and gold and all those lovely papers. I love the puzzle too and I'm glad you stayed with it until it was finished. It's a great way to pass the time when it's too hot to go outside in this heat.